Welcome to the World of the Forbush Family. This is our blog that we try to update on a semi-regular basis. If you have any comments, we would love to hear them. THANKS!
While Brent was out home teaching this afternoon, Sydney and I watched/listened to a recording of Music & The Spoken Word. I had watched it while Sydney was napping and thought she might enjoy it because is had children singing. And sure enough she loved it! With her sippy cup and animal crackers she climbed right into her chair and soaked it all in. Once it got to the part where the children sang she was done, but it was nice while it lasted!
Enjoying graham crackers and frosting for the first time with Dad!! She had to eat it just like he would, take a graham cracker and scrap it along the frosting!
We had hamburgers one night and I held mine out to Sydney so she could try a bite and she decided that she had to hold it by herself and claimed it as her own. Brent had to put it back together a few times because the meat would slip out but she thoroughly enjoyed it- especially the ketchup- it is one of her favorite things now- she even tried dipping green beans in it (green beans are her favorite veggie).
Her big cheesy grin!! She likes to smile for the camera!