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Monday, April 07, 2008

Finally an update!

Sydney has been sick the past week and it has been rough on all of us I think. She had a really high fever on Sunday and we took her to the doctor on Monday and they did a few tests but everything came back normal so they didn't know what was wrong with her either and just said to keep her comfortable with Tylenol or Motrin to manage her fever. She no longer has a fever but is very irritable still. We changed her bed into a toddler bed and she was okay with it but then if she woke up in the middle of the night she couldn't get back to sleep, so today it got changed back into a crib. So we shall see how today and the next few days go.


Mel said...

good luck with that! change is always challenging! it was so much fun to see you guys. hope these last weeks of pregnancy go by quickly for ya! can't wait to see pics of the baby!

Tori said...

good luck. i know that it can be so hard when you have a sick baby.

Josh said...

How is the sleeping situation going now? I hope it is better, especially since you've got another cute little one on the way! Good Luck getting some rest!