Welcome to the World of the Forbush Family. This is our blog that we try to update on a semi-regular basis. If you have any comments, we would love to hear them. THANKS!
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Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
February is over! Hooray!!

February was a month full of illnesses for us. Brent started the month with a cold, then Sydney and Owen got a cold. Sydney quickly returned to health, Owen unfortunately had a longer battle with it. He had antibiotic eye drops for his eyes, which were draining and they Sydney had them also- I wouldn't wish that medicine on anyone! Then Owen had double ear infections which didn't clear up on the first antibiotic so he had to switch to a stronger one and during that healing process he had roseola. And Suzanne had shingles. It was a great month!! Here are a few pictures.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Fun Day
Well it's Brent again. I am really trying to think of a method where I can be consistent and post once a week (or at least twice a month). That way all of our family and friends can have a regular update because we are not good at anything else. So here goes our update.
We had a blast for Christmas. Jay and Jill (Suzanne's younger sister and Husband) came into town for an early christmas holiday. It was fun to spend some time with them and that day we even got Sydney to ride the Ferris Wheel in the Scheels store. (Mind you she was scared of it the first time.)
Then everytime we went back to the store she would want to ride it again. At the store they also sell like 100 different varieties of fudge and we all bought a bunch to share together which was delicious.
Suzanne and I celebrated birthdays. We had some friends over on my birthday for a game night and celebrated conjointly at that time. It was a blast. But Sydney could not be left out of the fun. So she stayed up till 11 pm. (Mind you she still woke up at 6 am the next morning) But it was a lot of friends. It was good to see some that we have not seen in years and it was the first time since moving back.
Christmas was a blast! Sydney loved every minute of it. She could not wait for Santa to get here. There were a lot of gifts and things to do but it was an enjoyable day. Pictures have been included below.
New Years Eve was another game night of friends and fun. (Lori and Scott were in town for the Christmas break)
Sydney is getting older and stronger, smarter, and quicker everyday. She loves to ask questions but she is scared of loud noises. She is loving senior nursery thus far. We had friends over for dinner tonight and she was the life of the party. She was running around the house yelling and playing and giving everyone a good laugh.
Owen is as big as ever. He is loving his food. I gave him noodles yesterday which on his plate of cheerios and noodles, he would push the cheerios around to fish out the noodles. He is not sleeping through the night right now (wakes up once of twice) but at eight months we have got to stop those bad habits. He has started army crawling and can really move that way.
Suzanne and I are sunbeam teachers and I just got called as a Stake Auditor in addition to sunbeams. It will be interesting considering that is my day job as well.
No news on the house. We switched realtors in Dec (which did not go over well with our other realtor - she took it very personally and hard but come on - no movement on my house I have got to change) . Currently, we put it up on the market for sale and lease with the new realtor, had a few bites but nothing too serious. So if anyone is looking for a house for rent in the Austin area, keep our house in mind.
We love you all - and miss all of our Hutto Friends dearly.
Take a look at the pictures.
We had a blast for Christmas. Jay and Jill (Suzanne's younger sister and Husband) came into town for an early christmas holiday. It was fun to spend some time with them and that day we even got Sydney to ride the Ferris Wheel in the Scheels store. (Mind you she was scared of it the first time.)
Then everytime we went back to the store she would want to ride it again. At the store they also sell like 100 different varieties of fudge and we all bought a bunch to share together which was delicious.
Suzanne and I celebrated birthdays. We had some friends over on my birthday for a game night and celebrated conjointly at that time. It was a blast. But Sydney could not be left out of the fun. So she stayed up till 11 pm. (Mind you she still woke up at 6 am the next morning) But it was a lot of friends. It was good to see some that we have not seen in years and it was the first time since moving back.
Christmas was a blast! Sydney loved every minute of it. She could not wait for Santa to get here. There were a lot of gifts and things to do but it was an enjoyable day. Pictures have been included below.
New Years Eve was another game night of friends and fun. (Lori and Scott were in town for the Christmas break)
Sydney is getting older and stronger, smarter, and quicker everyday. She loves to ask questions but she is scared of loud noises. She is loving senior nursery thus far. We had friends over for dinner tonight and she was the life of the party. She was running around the house yelling and playing and giving everyone a good laugh.
Owen is as big as ever. He is loving his food. I gave him noodles yesterday which on his plate of cheerios and noodles, he would push the cheerios around to fish out the noodles. He is not sleeping through the night right now (wakes up once of twice) but at eight months we have got to stop those bad habits. He has started army crawling and can really move that way.
Suzanne and I are sunbeam teachers and I just got called as a Stake Auditor in addition to sunbeams. It will be interesting considering that is my day job as well.
No news on the house. We switched realtors in Dec (which did not go over well with our other realtor - she took it very personally and hard but come on - no movement on my house I have got to change) . Currently, we put it up on the market for sale and lease with the new realtor, had a few bites but nothing too serious. So if anyone is looking for a house for rent in the Austin area, keep our house in mind.
We love you all - and miss all of our Hutto Friends dearly.
Take a look at the pictures.
Pictures again
This is Owen, he is pretty angrey that more food is not coming his way quick enough.
Just a good updated picture of Owen playing with his christmas blocks.
Sydney way too excited on the morning of Christmas opening her presents.
Sydney after having just woken up on Christmas (second picture taken by our brand new camera.)
So I bought Suzanne and I's birthday cake from Coldstone Creamery (red velvet and cake batter ice cream cake.) So I called a couple days prior and said the inscription should be "Happy Birthday Brent & Suzanne." I picked it up on monday and it reads "Happy Brent and Suzanne." Gave me a good laugh. The cake was still delicious though.
Sydney and Grandpa Forbush working setting up the Christmas tree together. Sydney had a blast and was so careful with all of the ornaments.
Before The Bodily Family left, we went for a hike out at the Moon Rocks. This is Daddy and Sydney after our playing around the rocks.
Lori and Scott gave us a bed frame which is for a full bed. We set it up and it is Sydney's bed which she loves.
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