I just wanted to share my weeding experience with everyone. Yesterday while Sydney was taking her morning nap I worked on weeding our front yard. In an hour and a half, I almost finished weeding in front of our fence (it is in the picture below- I did the dead looking part). Our lawn is starting to get green, but most of the green you see is from the weeds. By the time Sydney woke up (I brought her outside so I could put the bag of weeds away) I had finished a section that started about 5.5 feet wide and ended about 7 feet wide and 33 feet long. (I had to make the area wider as I went to pave the way for my garbage bag!) Just out of curiosity I weighed the bag- 15 lbs!!! I probably looked kinda funny too- it was a warm morning and I was outside in long pants and a long sleeve shirt, with a hat on and bright orange gardening gloves- with wet knees because it had rained the night before! I hope you have a nice mental image of that!

She will only keep her hat on if we are in the sun and I have a hat on also, otherwise she pulls it right off!

Sydney has been making fishy lips for a long time and we finally got a picture of it!! It is the funniest thing to see! Sometimes she will only do it once, and other days she does it over and over again.